
Console commands scp containment breach
Console commands scp containment breach

console commands scp containment breach

Every room known so far for teleporting with the console goes as follows: Light Containment Zone SCP005, SCP914, SCP970, SCP178, SCP012, SCP372, SCP1162, SCPStorage, room1, room2area (underground area where SCP-939 is found), room2 (room2sink instantly puts the player in SCP-106's realm), room3 (you could teleport to room3sink if it exists on the map), room1tesla (instantly kills the.To open the console, the enable console option in the options menu under advanced. As of right now, The Crowbar cannot be spawned using console commands, you have to seek someone who has one in their save file which basically makes the weapon a Rare Melee. This article will only cover commands, roles and items that apply to console. The Crowbar is an Item that was made before Breakify released the gun update, And it is very early in development because there is neither an animation for it or a script to make it visible by other players.The Console is used for activating commands like spawning items and teleporting to a different room. The Console is a cheat feature that can be unlocked by buying the Console gamepass 1. The Console, showing a list of commands and an input box below. How To Activate The 'Console Commands' for Containment Breach. Weed scp-420-j 420: None Spawns 20 SCP-420-J instances in a circle around the player. This wiki only documents the original SCP: Anomaly Breach content. Everything related to the video game SCP - Containment Breach Advertisement Coins. Using this command without specifying a file will cause any currently playing custom music to stop. Plays.ogg/.wav music files from the directory SCP - Containment Breach/SFX/Music/custom/.

Console commands scp containment breach